Anonymous, March 13, 2025 - 9:07 am
Please pray for wisdom and clear direction in my life during this season. Pray that the Lord will give me absolute clarity about my direction. Pray for self-discipline and focus in the direction the Lord has for me, that I will take the right action steps. Pray that each day will be viewed as a full work day, and that I will accomplish an enormous number of tasks every day in the direction the Lord wants me to go. Pray for financial provision. I’m between jobs. Pray that the Lord will provide the money to pay rent and all my bills and expenses. Pray that I will draw near to the Lord during this season, feel His presence, be enveloped in His love. Pray for deep joy, peace and love. Pray that the Lord will remove isolation and surround me with Godly friendships, and help me to build deep friendships. Thanks.