“O Come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the Lord our maker. For he is our God; and we are the people of his pasture, and the sheep of his hand” Psalm 95:6-7. Ascribing worth to God, is not just in a song or with great music. It is an attitude of the heart. Christ alone deserves all of our worship. The hour has come for the true worshippers to worship the Father in spirit and truth. Come let us worship and bow down with our hearts filled with praise, an attitude of gratitude, our voices raised in honor, the sounding of our instruments, and submission to him who sits on the throne.

It has been said that hospitality is very near to God’s heart. Jesus demonstrated this in the parable of the Persistent Friend and in inviting himself to abide at Zacchaeus’s house. Hospitality speaks of being cordial, generous, joyous, receptive, available and attentive to the needs of your guest. From the welcome, to the seating, meeting the needs throughout the service, speaking a kind word and serving refreshments, we aid every guest to experience the life of God in his house. “God loveth a cheerful giver” 2 Corinthians 9:7.

Jesus instructed his disciples to, “Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for as such is the kingdom of God” Mark 10:14. Children matter to God from the womb, infancy, toddler stage and all the way through the teen years. Children are a blessing. Therefore with lovingkindness, we seek to draw, train, nurture, educate and build their faith in the one that knew them while they were in the womb. God wants them to come and experience his life and love and so do we.
“The Lord gave the word: great was the company of those that published it” Psalm 68:11. Faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God on CD as well as by seeing the word of God on flats screens in the sanctuary, viewing a DVD of a preached message or through our television ministry “Living Waters”. These varied modalities assist us in causing multitude of men and women to know and to be made free by the truth. God is entrusting his word into our hands to heal the wounds of his people. Therefore, a great company of laborers are needed to publish His word to REVIVE men.
The Apostle Paul encouraged Timothy the young pastor to “do the work of the evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry” 2 Timothy 4:5b. Evangelism is not just for the evangelist. Every born again believer has something to share with others concerning the love of Christ towards them, his redeeming grace and his power to cleanse them from all sin. Scripture encourages us to make Christ known, be his witness throughout all lands, and live in such a way that men would see Jesus and not us. We use gospel tracts, open forum for questions, prison ministry, hospital visitations, wearing Christian shirts and one on one conversations to herald the good news.
Jesus fed the multitude. We therefore, follow his example and serve our local community with donated healthy foods. God has wonderfully given us favor with an organic supermarket chain that weekly donates to God’s Life. We intern make these groceries available to those that desire to maintain their temple. The members, families in the community and beyond are able to shop for healthy food without any money. Jesus spoke to Peter and he is also speaking to us. “Lovest thou me? …Feed my sheep”John 21:17
We can also answer, Yes Lord!.